Kixx Launches New Global Campaign Film Generated by AI: “The World Without Lubricants”



Utilizing AI to Create Stunning Visuals Beyond Human Imagination:

Highlighting the Essential Role of Lubricants and Projecting a Forward-Thinking Brand Image

Kixx launched its groundbreaking global campaign film, “The World Without Lubricants,” in which every source of the video, from the visuals to the background music, has been created with generative AI, on its official YouTube channel.

Kixx has been leading the lubricant industry with its cutting-edge technologies and products such as bio-based lubricants and immersion cooling fluids for data centers, and this time utilized the latest generative AI, a high-tech technology gaining traction across various industries as an advanced film-making method, for its campaign film. This represents Kixx’s effort to swiftly respond to ever-changing trends not only in product development but also in consumer communication. The use of AI also serves as a metaphor for the shared characteristics of Kixx, a lubricant brand, and AI, enhancing efficiency wherever they are used.  Through this unique approach, marking an unprecedented movement in the lubricant industry, Kixx aims to showcase its forward-thinking brand value to its global consumer base and those working in the industry.

Starting with the question “What if lubricants were gone?” the video paints a dynamic picture of a world plunged into devastation due to the sudden absence of lubricants, created through the lens of AI. The video underscores the indispensable role of Kixx, Korea’s No. 1 lubricants brand*, in sustaining a seamless, friction-free society and what would happen if Kixx ever stopped production.

*Recognized as Korea’s No. 1 brand in the lubricant category as the winner of Korea’s First Brand Awards for eight consecutive years.


An Apocalyptic World Imagined by Generative AI:

Powerful Visual Presentation, Enhanced Production Efficiency

From upper left, (1) A passenger car exploding in the middle of the road (2) Rusted industrial equipment and a site in ruins (3) Abandoned shipwrecks sunk in the deep sea (4) Dark and desolate buildings

The first half of the film captures the world turning into a dystopia through the imagery of an engine overheating and exploding, abandoned equipment and a devastated city.

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From upper left, (1) A passenger car exploding in the middle of the road (2) Rusted industrial equipment and a site in ruins (3) Abandoned shipwrecks sunk in the deep sea (4) Dark and desolate buildings
From upper left, (1) A passenger car exploding in the middle of the road (2) Rusted industrial equipment and a site in ruins (3) Abandoned shipwrecks sunk in the deep sea (4) Dark and desolate buildings
From upper left, (1) A passenger car exploding in the middle of the road (2) Rusted industrial equipment and a site in ruins (3) Abandoned shipwrecks sunk in the deep sea (4) Dark and desolate buildings
From upper left, (1) A passenger car exploding in the middle of the road (2) Rusted industrial equipment and a site in ruins (3) Abandoned shipwrecks sunk in the deep sea (4) Dark and desolate buildings
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This revolutionary video captures the process of the world turning into chaos by using cutting-edge AI technology. Kixx portrays the despair that would overtake the world if this situation took place in real life, offering viewers stunning and thought-provoking visuals that go beyond the limits of human imagination.

Additionally, the utilization of generative AI also demonstrates Kixx’s commitment to leading advanced technology. This campaign video leverages the latest AI programs such as Luma and Gen 3, while also adopting video editing techniques including morphing, which seamlessly transitions one scene to another, and deforum, which allows AI to reimagine a given image and generate videos interpolating between multiple images and frames. The background music, enhancing the overall mood and the message of the video, was also produced using AI. Through this approach, Kixx immerses consumers in this new world while reducing the video production time compared to traditional methods like filming and 3D graphics.


A Stark Contrast Between the World Without Lubricants and the World With Lubricants, Highlighting the Necessity of Lubricants

This fast-paced campaign film is characterized by its use of destructive and shocking visuals, unlike typical brand campaign videos that often emphasize positive imagery. It highlights the role of lubricants through a stark contrast between the two worlds, each characterized by the absence and presence of lubricants.

(Left) An airplane exploding mid-flight due to engine overheating (Right) Countless cars abandoned and drifting away at sea

Machineries malfunctioning, exploding and eventually being abandoned due to the lack of lubricants.

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An airplane exploding mid-flight due to engine overheating
Countless cars abandoned and drifting away at sea
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The video grabs viewers’ attention from the start by presenting an unrealistic scenario where lubricants suddenly disappear. As lubricants vanish, machinery parts such as cars, excavators, airplanes, and ships, which had been functioning well otherwise, start to break down, overheat, and eventually explode due to excessive friction caused by the lack of lubrication. The explosion and malfunction of numerous vehicles and machines, and the explosion of data centers due to heat-induced server failures, altogether lead to a world in ruin, leaving society in chaos. Through this dystopian depiction in the first half, Kixx demonstrates that all essential machinery in our daily lives cannot function without lubricants.

(Left) A drop of lubricant falling in a desolate city (Right) A hopeful city morning with the sun rising

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A drop of lubricant falling in a desolate city
A hopeful city morning with the sun rising
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In the latter part of the video, it quickly shifts with a single drop of lubricant. This drop spreads across the devastated world, restoring everything to a smooth and vibrant society. Cars drive on the roads, industrial machinery operates, and people walking between well-built buildings return to their ordinary routines.


Kixx, the Hidden Hero of Our Society

The Kixx logo merging with urban structures in a unified form

Kixx performs essential roles in our society, with its logo integrated into various structures.

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The Kixx logo merging with urban structures in a unified form
From upper left, (1) A passenger car exploding in the middle of the road (2) Rusted industrial equipment and a site in ruins (3) Abandoned shipwrecks sunk in the deep sea (4) Dark and desolate buildings
From upper left, (1) A passenger car exploding in the middle of the road (2) Rusted industrial equipment and a site in ruins (3) Abandoned shipwrecks sunk in the deep sea (4) Dark and desolate buildings
The Kixx logo merging with urban structures in a unified form
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Kixx actively integrates its brand logo in the video, highlighting the unseen role Kixx lubricants play in car engines and various machinery. By dynamically and vividly showcasing the Kixx logo within different structures and equipment, such as urban buildings, factories, bridges and engines, the video effectively conveys the critical role of lubricants in society while visually reinforcing the Kixx brand.

Kixx remains at the forefront of the lubricant industry, by continuously exploring new methods to enhance customer satisfaction, spanning from product development and digital ad campaigns to vibrant marketing strategies. For more visually stunning and engaging content, visit Kixx’s official YouTube channel.

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