Base oils make up 75% to 99% of an engine oil. Needless to say, they’re a deciding factor in the quality of the final product and the overall performance of your engine. That’s why many drivers look for engine oils made from a polyalphaolefin (PAO) base.
What’s so special about PAO base oils? And does Kixx offer any PAO-based products? In this article, we’ll consider the advantages of PAO base oils and introduce Kixx’s premium line of PAO-based engine oils. Only these oils feature Kixx’s Dual Plus Technology, in keeping with the brand’s mission to provide customers with the best driving experience possible.
What Makes PAO Base Oils Special?
The American Petroleum Institute (API) classifies base oils into five categories. Among these categories, Groups I and II consist mainly of mineral oils, whereas Groups III and IV consist of fully synthetic oils. For most automotive uses, oils in Group IV offer the highest quality and the greatest performance benefits — aside from Group V oils, which are more often used in Formula 1 motorsports.
Mineral oils are made from crude oil and may contain impurities. PAO oils, on the other hand, are synthesized in laboratories for optimal performance. Their molecular uniformity improves friction control and enhances resistance to corrosion, so less sludge forms in the car’s engine. PAO oils also have better thermal stability, so they maintain similar levels of viscosity even at extreme temperatures. All this adds up to an extended engine life and enhanced engine performance.
As Korea’s No. 1 lubricant brand, Kixx offers a dedicated line of PAO-based engine oils that enable a smoother, more stable driving experience. All these products feature Kixx’s exclusive Dual Plus Technology.
What Is Dual Plus Technology?
Dual Plus Technology is one of Kixx’s proprietary technologies, along with Triple Double Technology. Exclusive to the Kixx PAO line, Dual Plus Technology helps the PAO base oil shine brighter. It makes a first-class driving experience possible even when the engine is subjected to scorching heat or frequent stop-and-start driving.
1. Stable Driving
Dual Plus Technology offers superior temperature stability and suppresses the formation of residue in the engine. This ensures stable engine performance and prevents shaking.
2. Smooth Driving
Kixx’s Dual Plus Technology also helps reduce friction within the engine, preventing excessive wear, so driving stays smooth and the engine lasts longer.
The Kixx PAO Line With Dual Plus Technology
Kixx PAO 1, Kixx PAO C3 and Kixx PAO A3/B4 are the only products in the world with Kixx’s Dual Plus Technology logo. All three are fully synthetic engine oils equipped with high-performance additive technology and are available on the global market.
Kixx PAO 1, South Korea’s first engine oil to be made with a 100% PAO base, is formulated with race-proven additive technology. Kixx PAO C3 offers remarkable durability and outstanding engine protection for diesel engines. Kixx PAO A3/B4 has been approved for use in place of Mercedes-Benz 229.5 engine oil.
Reaching for the Top Shelf
While not every driver insists on pampering their car with the highest-quality engine oil, some won’t settle for anything less. Check the specifications in your vehicle’s manual before deciding which lubricant to use. For maximum engine performance, look for the Dual Plus Technology logo found exclusively on the packages of the Kixx PAO line. To learn more about the innovative products and technologies Kixx has developed, visit
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